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Geozeta.pl » Litwa - zabytki Listy Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO

Litwa - zabytki Listy Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO

Litwa - podróże na LitwęLitwa - mapa krajuLitwa - spis artykułów i galeriiLitwa - wiza, ambasady, przepisy wjazdowe, informacje dla kierowców, podróżowanie po kraju, przepisy celne, bezpieczeństwo, przydatne informacjeLitwa - aktualna pogoda, roczny opad i temperaturaLitwa - szczepienia, zdrowie, poradyLitwa - kurs waluty, przelicznik na PLN, USD, EUROLitwa - co zwiedzić, zabytki Listy Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCOLitwa - przewodniki, mapy, atlasy
Curonian Spit  
Human habitation of this elongated sand dune peninsula, 98 km long and 0.4-4 km wide, dates back to prehistoric times. Throughout this period it has been threatened by the natural forces of wind and waves. Its survival to the present day has been made possible only as a result of ceaseless human efforts to combat the erosion of the Spit, dramatically illustrated by continuing stabilisation and reforestation projects.
Kernave Archaeological Site (Cultural Reserve of Kernave)  
The Kernave Archaeological Site, in eastern Lithuania about 35 km northwest of Vilnius, represents an exceptional testimony to some 10 millennia of human settlements in this region. Situated in the valley of the River Neris, the site is a complex ensemble of archaeological properties, encompassing the town of Kernave, forts, some unfortified settlements, burial sites and other archaeological, historical and cultural monuments from the late Palaeolithic period to the Middle Ages. The site of 194,4-ha has preserved the traces of ancient land use, as well as remains of five impressive hill forts, part of an exceptionally large defence system. Kernave was an important feudal town in the Middle Ages. Although the town was destroyed by the Teutonic Order in the late 14th century, the site remained in use till the modern times.
Struve Geodetic Arc  
The Struve Arc is a chain of survey triangulations stretching from Hammerfest in Norway to the Black Sea, through ten countries and over 2,820km. These are points of a survey, carried out between 1816 and 1855 by the astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve, which represented the first accurate measuring of a long segment of a meridian. This helped establish the exact size and shape of our planet and marked an important step in the development of earth sciences and topographic mapping. It is an extraordinary example of scientific collaboration among scientists from different countries, and of collaboration between monarchs for a scientific cause. The original arc consisted of 258 main triangles with 265 main station points. The listed site includes 34 of the original station points, with different markings, i.e. a drilled hole in rock, iron cross, cairns, or built obelisks.
Vilnius Historic Centre  
Political centre of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from the 13th to the end of the 18th century, Vilnius has had a profound influence on the cultural and architectural development of much of eastern Europe. Despite invasions and partial destruction, it has preserved an impressive complex of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and classical buildings as well as its medieval layout and natural setting.
Źródło: whc.unesco.org
» Curonian Spit (en)
» Kernave Archaeological Site (Cultural Reserve of Kernave) (en)
» Struve Geodetic Arc (en)
» Vilnius Historic Centre (en)